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Executive Team & Meeting Details

The Executive Team
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Committee Chairs

 • Archives 

Olythea Hunley


• ByLaws 

Rick  Walters


• Community Service

Ruth Reed

Dr. Nina Newlin



Kathy Clark

Nancy McCloy



• Little Libraries

Terri Mullikin

with assistance from:

- Nancy Harrington

- Emily Massey

- Debbie Smith

- Jean Wright 


•  Membership/ Pre-Retirement

Sue Crooks

Nancy Harrington



Glenn Michael

Terri Mullikin




• Past President

Glen Michael



Sue Coleman



Billie Lynn Roberts

Charlotte Potts 

Brenda Shorter



Dr. Nina Newlin


Meeting Minutes

The set of KCRSPA Executive Committee Meeting minutes are from the meeting held on Nov. 7, 2024. They will be approved at the next Executive Committee Meeting in February,  2025. They are provided here so that all members can know the actions approved and discussed at the Executive Committee Meeting. All members are welcome to attend Executive Meetings

The Executive Committee of the KCRSPA met for the regular meeting November 7, 2024, at Sumner Hall in Chestertown. The meeting was called to Order by President Nancy Harrington a 10 am.

Members present were: Nancy Harrington, Nancy McCloy, Sue Crooks, Debbie Smith, Nina Newlin, Lea Humley, Ruth Reed, Billie Lynn Roberts, Kathy Clark, Glenn Michael, Sue Coleman.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Minutes of the previous Executive Committee Meeting, Sep 5, 2024, were in the newsletter and moved approved by Nina Newlin, seconded by Sue Crooks, and approved.

Treasurer’s report was presented by Debbie and approved.

President’s Report - Nancy shared that the bus trip was excellent as usual and made over $500 for the Scholarship Fund. She mentioned that Debbie Chance, our Regional Director will be attending our Dec General Meeting. And that Wanda Ruffo will be at our June meeting.

Committees that had something to report were:

•Community Service - Ruth Reed will be taking over for Billie Lynn. It was mentioned that Tyray Johnson needs 3 ring binders for Title 1 Intervention program at KCMS.

• Hospitality - the luncheon will be at CRYCC in the ballroom and RSVPs will be due Nov. 29. Debbie Chance will speak.

• Scholarship - So far 19 responses??

• Newsletter - looking for persons to help with obituaries.

• Old Business - the poster revamp is still underway.

• Glenn Moved, Kathy Clark seconded adjournment at 11:15 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Glenn Michael, Acting Secretary




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